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Top 25 Common Eye Problems

The top common eye problems are those that affect a large number of people and require treatment or assessment from eye care professionals. The top 25 common eye problems and their definitions are listed below.

  1. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is an eye condition that causes a loss of peripheral vision (visual field loss) through damage to the optic nerve.
  2. Cataracts: Cataracts form in the eye lens as a result of clumping of protein, leading to a decline in clear vision which commonly occurs naturally with advancing age.
  3. Uveitis: Uveitis refers to a group of conditions that causes eye inflammation and damages the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye.
  4. Dry eyes: Dry eye syndrome is caused by either the tears in the eyes evaporating too quickly or the eyes not producing enough tears.
  5. Presbyopia: Presbyopia is an age-related eye condition that occurs when the lens inside the eye becomes more rigid, becoming less able to focus clearly at near distances.
  6. Floaters: Floaters in the eye is a very common condition that usually occurs naturally with age and causes spots and lines to drift and float through a person's vision.
  7. Red eyes: Red eyes occur when the tiny blood vessels on the white part of the eye dilate, making the eye look more red than usual.
  8. Night blindness: Night blindness is an eye problem that impairs a person's vision, meaning they struggle to see in dim light or at night.
  9. Lazy eyes: Lazy eyes, also known as amblyopia, is an eye condition that describes a person with one eye that has weaker vision than the other.
  10. Colour blindness: Colour blindness is an eye condition that means a person is able to perceive colour but has trouble telling the difference between certain colours.
  11. Eyestrain: Eyestrain is a very common eye problem and is caused by the eyes concentrating on tasks or objects for a long period of time.
  12. Vision changes: Vision changes are a common sign of many eye conditions and are characterised by a sudden difference in your ability to see normally.
  13. Excess tearing: Excess tearing causes watery eyes due to the eyes producing too many tears or there being an issue with the film drainage of the eyes.
  14. Retinal disorders: Retinal disorders are a term for a group of conditions that affect the retina. Common retinal disorders and diseases include age-related macular degeneration and retinal tear and detachment.
  15. Eyelid problems: Eyelid problems are eye conditions that affect the eyelids, potentially making them swollen, painful, and irritated.
  16. Corneal diseases: Corneal diseases are diseases that mainly affect the cornea. Some common corneal diseases include keratitis, eye herpes, and pterygium.
  17. Problems with contact lenses: People may experience problems with contact lenses that can lead to certain eye conditions and symptoms.
  18. Cross eyes (strabismus) and nystagmus: Crossed eyes is an eye condition that occurs when one eye turns in a different direction than the other eye. Nystagmus causes involuntary movement of the eyes which can be side-to-side, circular, or up and down.
  19. Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a lining covering the white part of the eye and underneath the eyelids.
  20. Keratoconus: Keratoconus is an eye disease that affects the cornea, making it thin and bulge outwards.
  21. Chalazion (eyelid cyst): A chalazion is an eyelid cyst that is a sign of a blocked oil gland, usually underneath the upper eyelid, resulting in swelling of the affected area.
  22. Pterygium (noncancerous growth on the conjunctiva): Pterygium, also known as surfer's eye, is a benign, noncancerous eye growth on the conjunctiva.
  23. Pinguecula (yellowish growth on the conjunctiva): A pinguecula is a yellow, raised growth on the conjunctiva that usually contains calcium, fat, or protein.
  24. Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes where the small blood vessels in the back of the eye are damaged.
  25. Age-related macular degeneration: Age-related macular degeneration is a common eye condition that causes a painless loss of central vision.

How to Identify Common Eye Problems The main way to identify if you have a common eye problem is to have an eye test with an optometrist. Optometrists are trained to assess, diagnose, manage, and treat your vision and any eye problems you may have. The results of an eye test enable optometrists to provide tailored advice on how to best support your visual needs, which vary with age and the type of work you do. An optometrist may also refer you to an ophthalmologist for further treatment when necessary.

How to Avoid Common Eye Problems There are many different ways a person can avoid common eye problems and protect their overall eye health. These include:

  1. Get regular eye exams: Book a regular eye test so that your optometrist can track any changes to your eye and vision and provide treatment for vision issues if needed.
  2. Protect your eyes from the sun: Wear sunglasses as they are extremely important for avoiding eye problems and for overall eye health as they protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
  3. Take breaks when using digital devices: Take breaks when using digital devices and limit your screen time when possible to prevent eye strain and keep your eyesight healthy.
  4. Practice good hygiene: Practice good hygiene and maintain good eye health by not touching your eyes with dirty hands, regularly cleaning your glasses, and not using old makeup.
  5. Eat a healthy diet: Keep a healthy and balanced diet that includes omega-3 fats, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds to help maintain the health of your eyes.
  6. Quit smoking: Lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and other conditions by quitting smoking.
  7. Wear eye protection: Use safety eyewear such as safety glasses or goggles if you are working in an environment in which debris or other hazardous materials such as vapour and chemicals may touch the eye.

Which Eye Problem is the Most Common Among Kids? According to a study conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2008, the eye problem that is most common among kids is refractive errors, with most of the long-term eye problems in children in Australia being nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Which Eye Problem is the Most Common Among Adults? Refractive errors are one of the most common eye problems among adults, affecting a person's ability to see clearly. According to a 2021 article published in the National Library of Medicine, myopia (nearsightedness) is the most common refractive error and predisposes the eye to many conditions that cause blindness in adulthood. Another article in the National Library of Medicine reported that an estimated 2.3 billion people in the world suffer from poor vision due to a refractive error.

Which Eye Problem is the Most Common Among Elders? Some eye problems are more common among elders as they are age-related and occur due to the aging process. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare determined that the major eye diseases that cause visual impairment for Australians over the age of 55 are age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. In the case of age-related macular degeneration, these eye problems are common among the elderly as they are caused by damage to the macula due to aging.

What is an Eye Problem? An eye problem is a broad term for any condition, disease, or issue that affects the eye. This could include common symptoms such as itchy eyes, watery eyes, dry eyes, and red eyes. There are also common eye conditions that cause problems to the eyes, such as vision loss or eye pain, including glaucoma, cataracts, and uveitis. An eye problem can be identified by an eye care professional such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist who can then manage and treat the condition.

What are the Causes of an Eye Problem? There are many different eye conditions that cause eye problems, some of which are:

  1. Refractive errors: Refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia, may cause eye problems such as blurry vision, eyestrain, and squinting.
  2. Eye infections: Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or keratitis, can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens and, according to Healthdirect Australia, may lead to swollen, red, or painful eyes.
  3. Allergies: Allergies can cause redness, itching, and other eye symptoms, particularly during allergy season. Common irritants that cause eye allergies include pollen, dust, and pet dander.
  4. Dry eye syndrome: Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, which can make the eyes feel itchy, burning, and scratchy.
  5. Age-related eye conditions: As people age, they may be at risk for age-related eye conditions, such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or presbyopia.
  6. Trauma: Eye trauma, such as a foreign object in the eye or a blow to the eye, can cause very serious eye problems such as vision changes, pain, and bleeding in the eye.
  7. Neurological conditions: Neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or optic neuritis, can cause eye problems such as eye pain and vision loss.
  8. Systemic conditions: Systemic conditions involve the entire body or multiple organs. Some systemic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can cause eye problems and damage.

What are the Symptoms of an Eye Problem? There are many different symptoms that people can experience as a result of an eye problem, some of which can be a symptom of multiple eye conditions. Some of the common symptoms of eye problems include:

  1. Blurred or distorted vision: Blurred or distorted vision refers to eyes that are unable to focus properly, resulting in unclear and hazy vision. It may be caused by cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eyes.
  2. Redness or swelling: Eyes may become red or swollen due to many eye conditions such as allergies, conjunctivitis, and dry eyes. This may also lead to eye pain, itching, and eye discharge.
  3. Eye pain or discomfort: Eye pain or discomfort may be caused by trauma to the eye, such as an eye injury, or from different eye conditions such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, or a stye.
  4. Sensitivity to light: Light sensitivity, also referred to as photophobia, occurs when bright light causes discomfort to the eyes and is a common symptom of conjunctivitis, dry eyes, and cataracts.
  5. Eye discharge: Eye discharge is a common occurrence that is typically not a concern. However, if there is a large amount of discharge or it causes eye issues, you should seek attention from an eye care professional.
  6. Eye floaters: Eye floaters can appear as black spots, cobwebs, or squiggly lines in a person's vision and occur naturally from age or may be caused by trauma and bleeding in the eye.
  7. Double vision: Double vision, also known as diplopia, is a common symptom of cataracts, lazy eye, and nerve issues and causes a person to see two images that may overlap or be completely distinct.
  8. Loss of vision or visual field: Loss of vision or visual field is an unfortunate outcome for select eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. Visual field loss can involve only a small part of a person's vision or a large area.

Can Eye Issues Have an Impact on the Body? Yes, eye issues can have an impact on the body, especially for people with loss of vision. According to the National Library of Medicine, people with eye issues and vision impairment are associated with an increased risk of fractures, which greatly impacts the body. Mobility can also be affected by eye issues as eyesight is the main sense used to navigate the three-dimensional space around you.

At Raie Eyewear, we understand the importance of maintaining good eye health and protecting your vision. Our team of experienced optometrists can provide comprehensive eye exams and tailored advice on how to best support your visual needs. We offer a wide range of stylish frames and lenses to help you see clearly and look great. Visit one of our stores near you or book your eye test online today to take the first step in maintaining healthy eyes and clear vision